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PCard New Applicants

How to apply for a New WVU/WVURC PCard

Before an individual can receive a WVU or WVURC PCard, he/she must be an employee in the WVU HR system.  If you do not have an active employee record (i.e. you are a WVURC employee), please work with your Expert Business Office (EBO) to request a HR assignment.  Once you have an active employee record, below outlines the steps involved in obtaining a PCard:

  1. Log into Mountaineer Marketplace.
  2. Submit a PCard Application & Changes Form, completing all required fields.
  3. Your College/Division's Strategic Business Advisor or their delegate will review the form and either approve or reject.  If approved, the form will route to PCard Administration.
  4. PCard Administration will review your request and send instructions for how to complete the online training via email.
  5. Once you have completed the required training, notify PCard Administration by commenting on the requisition in Mountaineer Marketplace.
  6. PCard Administration will then process your application and approve your PCard Application & Changes Form in Mountaineer Marketplace. You will be notified via email.
  7. Your PCard will be delivered to WVU Mail Services and you will be notified so that the card can be picked up or mailed.
  8. Once you receive your PCard, please make sure to activate it by calling the number listed on the front of the card.

If you have any questions, please contact  PCard Administration.