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After Your Trip
Receipts and timing
When do you need an itemized receipt?
- Any expense paid on PCard
- For all expenses paid using personal funds, receipts are required for expenses
$75 and greater except for the following, which require a receipt regardless
of price:
- Airfare - Charted or commercial
- Automobile rentals
- Change fee incurred to obtain lower trip cost
- Change fee incurred
- Fuel for rental vehicles
- Lodging
- Guardian travel meals
- Rail Transportation
- Registration/Conference Fees
- Car service/limo expenses
When do you not need a receipt?
- Expenses paid using personal funds for travel expenses under $75 that do
not fall into the categories above
- Most common examples: parking, meals, tolls
- Expenses paid using personal funds for travel expenses under $75 that do
not fall into the categories above
Where do I reconcile?
- All PCard and travel reimbursements must be reconciled in MyExpenses