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News and Updates

PCard Expirations

We just wanted to send a reminder that all PCards expire at the end of the month listed on the PCard. For example, if your PCard expires on 02/22 then it will be available for use until the last day in February. All replacement cards are sent to Mail Services at the beginning of the month in which they expire. After sorting through the cards, we will reach out to the cardholder/department to set up a date and time for pick up.


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Expiring PCards

We just wanted to send a reminder that all PCards expire at the end of the month listed on the PCard . For example, if your PCard expires on 02/22 then it will be available for use until the last day in February. All replacement cards are sent to Mail Services at the beginning of the month in which they expire. After sorting through the cards, we will reach out to the cardholder/department to set up a date and time for pick up.


Read Full Article: Expiring PCards

Upcoming enhancements to WVU’s MyTravel program

Dear Fellow Mountaineers, As part of efforts to enhance the user experience for faculty and staff who travel on behalf of West Virginia University, the Procurement, Contacting and Payment Services (PCPS) is transitioning to American Express Global Business Travel as WVU’s standard travel management company, effective Monday, Feb. 14. The decision to make this change was guided by responses to a recent survey of travelers at the University, who identified ease of use and pricing as among the top concerns of WVU’s prior travel and expense platform. As part of this transition, the MyTravel platform will move from Concur to the American Express Neo travel and expense management tool. The Neo tool will provide several benefits, including:

Read Full Article: Upcoming enhancements to WVU’s MyTravel program