To receive a PCard, all applicants are required to take online training and then cardholders are required to complete “refresher training” every 2 years to avoid having their PCards cancelled. In the past, the WVU Research Corp PCard training and the WVU PCard training were two separate processes. WVU PCard Administration is happy to announce that all cardholders will now work through the same training process. Rather than completing training through a separate eCampus course, WVU Research Corp cardholders will now take their PCard training through the WV State Auditor’s Office training portal. The training is a WVU/WVURC specific training pdf and quiz.
- Those with open WVU Research Corp PCards who are current on their training in the eCampus course will not need to take their training again until the 2 year mark from their last training. When that date approaches, cardholders will receive notification from WVU PCard Administration with instructions on how to complete the refresher training in the WV State Auditor’s Office training portal.
- If you have both a WVU and WVU Research Corp PCard, you only need to take the training one time for the application and then again one refresher training every 2 years (so you do not need to take the training twice each time).
- The State Auditor’s Office/PCard Administration will send you emails when your training is set to expire.
If you have any questions at all, please Email PCard Administration.